
Monday, February 1, 2016

The 6 Parts Of Marketing

  Marketing research mainly refers to the study of demographic factors. This includes social, economic, technical, environmental, and cultural impact on consumer demand and industrial products and services. It is important to develop appropriate policies and procedures to meet these requirements. As a separate discipline, it is a combination of marketing principles and marketing management. Marketing architecture is divided into the following sections:

1) The basic theory of marketing
2) Market research and analysis
3) Marketing Strategy
4) Marketing Tactic
5) Marketing organization and control
6)Application and innovation Marketing

  From academic focus on business schools, we know that marketing research is done more often than not in order to study business (such as investigative techniques or negotiation skills), and to focus on developing an advanced way of thinking. This includes a wide range of perspective and targeted judgment. 

By:Zhenren Ruan

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