
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Prompted Blog Post #5:Observing Community

  I know an organization called CUSA (Chinese Undergraduate Students Association) that has an active work in the Chinese environment with a lot of events to spend time with. I think it is related to Marketing because to participate in any event we need to pay a ticket price. During my time in college and knowing this organization, I think it is easy for them to focus on the public because they mainly target the Chinese students because all the events are Chinese culture related.


  I have participated in many of their events and they do a great job because the activities are very close as the Chinese ones, so it is a good remedy for homesickness. But sometimes I see an over-exaggeration about what they are selling because it is impossible to make it the same way as in China. But overall they sell it very effectively, for example, sending email or Wechats (Whatsapp like application)… So they can reach a high population of students without spending a lot of money.


  In conclusion, this organization make every event possible by selling an event to collect money for its own good. Basically, they sell a product that the public buys. During the selling of the product they need to cover some basic points to increase the tickets sold such as good communication methods to connect with the buyer.


Source: 密歇根州立大学中国学生学者联合会. (n.d.). Retrieved from

BY:Zhenren Ruan

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