
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Brilliant Marketing of Apple, Inc.

Apple sold nearly 75 million iPhones in 2015, within the first fiscal quarter of the year. These sales earned the company $18 billion in profit alone. I myself have purchased multiple iPhones and most recently, a laptop produced by Apple. It seems that Apple products can be seen anywhere and everywhere you go, whether it be in a computer lab at a school or in the hands of a six year old. Apple appears to be the leader of mobile technology when it comes to pop culture, and this is not simply the result of creating quality products with good design and proper functionality. Apple has been able to gain enough loyalty in their customers to make them buy their new products over and over again as the older models quickly become outdated; this is accomplished through the brilliance of their marketing strategies.

Apple has made it clear through marketing that their goal is to make products that are well designed and easy to use. Not only that, but Apple has also placed a large emphasis on the individuality that their products offer to customers, notice the I in iPhone, iPad, etc. By doing so, Apple has become a representation of lifestyle and innovation, and this is why so many people buy into their products. People who purchase Apple products do not do so solely because they wanted to buy them, but also because they are willing to represent what the company stands for. In more simple terms, Apple has been extremely successful in marketing because they have influenced people to not only buy into their products, but into their image.

Promoting the image and beliefs of a company is what truly separates it from other companies, and is exactly what separates Apple from other companies. In a TED Talk by Simon Sinek, he explains that Apple's marketing is successful because they promote why they do what they do rather than just promoting what they do. This gives the brand personality, and gives people much more of a reason to spend their valuable money on their products. Without Apple's "personality", which all started with the ideas of Steve Jobs, they may have been just another computer company.

Start With Why - Simon Sinek TED Talk: Discussion about Apple begins at 3:05.

- Paul Gielow


- "Apple's Branding Strategy." Marketing Minds. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- Moorman, Christine. "Why Apple Is a Great Marketer." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 10 July 2012. 
Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- Olson, Parmy. "Apple Smashes Forecasts, Selling 74.5 Million IPhones In Q1." Forbes. Forbes 
Magazine, 27 Jan. 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- SJBAccounting. "Start With Why - Simon Sinek TED Talk." YouTube. YouTube, 29 Sept. 2013. 
Web. 10 Apr. 2016.


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