
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Acing the Interview

         We all know that the key to landing your dream marketing job is to kick butt in the interview, but how exactly do you do that? Well, there are four main points conquering the nerve-wracking interview process and helping yourself feel a little more comfortable and prepared walking into it.

1. Be Prepared

  • Make sure to leave for the interview with enough time to get there and be able to look over your materials and relax before meeting with your interviewer.
  • It is crucial to come into the interview having done research on the company, and to be familiar with the duties and expectations of the position you are looking to land.
  • Always make sure that you bring extra copies of your resume.
2. Look the Part

  • Never wear open toed shoes, bright colors, low cut tops, or super high heels, you want the attention to be on what you're saying, not what you're wearing. 
  • Come dressed in business professional attire (suit and tie, or skirt, blouse, and blazer). 

  • 3. Act Like You're Having a Conversation
    • Practice your responses ahead of time, thinking of 5-10 situations and experiences you've had that would be beneficial to discuss.
    • Most interviewers will want you to follow the STAR format (Situation, Task, Action, Result) in answering their question, but it is important to put your responses into this format in a conversational manner, not making it sound choppy and robotic.
    • Remember that your interviewer is a real and genuine person, if you make a conversation out of your responses, it will seem less intimidating and will flow much more naturally.
    • Try to avoid "um" and "like," and don't be afraid to take a minute to think about what you want to say before saying it.
    4. Stay in Touch
    • Make sure to send a follow up email thanking your interviewer for their time and letting them know that you hope to hear from them soon.
    • This will show how much you care about getting the position, and will set your apart from your competition.
    Following these four guidelines will help ensure that you are on your way to landing your dream job!

    By: Rachel Seyfarth


    Fordin, Audra. "You Auto Know These 4 Things If You're Getting Ready For An Interview -                          Tomorrows Technician." Tomorrows Technician. N.p., 07 Aug. 2015. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

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