
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Indirect Marketing and What it Does for a Brand

     Obviously in the business world, the idea behind marketing is to increase the awareness of your product(s) and make the masses more likely to give you their money in order to possess said product. But with the increased use of social networking, the idea of "going viral" becomes an extremely important and integral part of not only increasing your sales and recognition, but also creating a lasting appeal that solidifies your place in the market and keeps you from becoming another "one and done" company that everyone forgets about.

     Enter indirect marketing. Instead of simply using direct marketing like commercials, billboards, and advertisements on the side of websites that are just going to disappear thanks to your ad blocker, companies can use indirect marketing as a subtle way to keep themselves relevant in the ocean of information that's provided to you. They might follow you on twitter in hopes for a follow back or send out newsletters that don't necessarily attempt to sell things to you. And if you can win over the hearts and minds of the young social-media-user, you may be looking at a pop culture level of fame and longevity in the market. The best part about this type of advertising is that it's free though, and the eventual conclusion to this sort of marketing yields an increase in sales and brand awareness without actually putting money in to anything!

     Indirect marketing is a game changer in the field, and although you might come off as annoying when you're randomly following thousands of people on twitter, all you need is one person to follow you and buy your products in order for you to be in the black on this latest marketing ploy. That's the beauty of indirect marketing.    

By Maxamilian Tarpey

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