
Monday, February 22, 2016

The Relationship Between Marketing and Enterprise

  In the modern economy, enterprises must recognize the great importance to marketing. Marketing is like a battlefield, and who grasps the audience more effectively win the war. Businesses with solid marketing will be able to hit the ground running. Today, we are experiencing an era of mass marketing. Some businesses are marketing a commodity, and some are marketing a service. Whether it is a product or service, a business needs to have an understanding of the industry, and have knowledge of the means of marketing in order to increase your chances of victory. 
  One theory of marketing says that business leaders need to provide a scientific basis for decision-making. In oder to be a leader, you must be able to make a variety of important decisions, because decision-making directly determines the success or failure of a company. A leader must understand marketing theory and market research, as well as market forecasting and methods, in order to provide a scientific basis for decision-making.

  Another theory of marketing for enterprises says that competition creates the conditions to make profit. In the market, fierce competition among enterprises results in the survival of the fittest. In order to ensure that an enterprise is in a good position within market competition, they must strive to improve their competitive edge. Marketing research, understanding the market environment,  and development and implementation of scientific marketing strategies can help companies improve quality and management. These things are important to survive and develop in the fierce market competition.

  With a large number of foreign companies entering the Chinese market, it is becoming increasingly competitive. After China's accession to WTO; the domestic market situation will be more severe. Therefore, companies must find a way into the international market. Through participation in international competition, businesses can improve their marketing skills and their ability to achieve greater economic efficiency. The international market situation is complex and includes multiple barriers. Marketing research theory, master international marketing theory, and methods and techniques can help companies better select target audiences, and improve international competition in the market.

By Zhenren Ruan

1 comment:

  1. Internet marketing is crucial to the success of any business these days in addition to traditional marketing methods
