
Sunday, February 14, 2016

The development of marketing

As times went on, marketing changed and became better and better. Marketing’s development is divided into four stages:

  1. First stage: The end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, for the initial stage of marketing. This stage due to the outbreak of the industrial revolution, the capitalist world economy rapid development, needs to expand. Total market situation is in short supply of seller's market. At this stage, the market marketing study features are: a. focus on marketing and advertising, as for the modern marketing theories, concepts, principles, there is no; b. research activity basically limited class and the professor's study located in university, also didn't get the attention of the society and business.

  2. The second stage: From the 1930 s to the end of the Second World War, for the application of marketing period. From 1929 to 1933 in the capitalist world unprecedented economic crisis, economic depression, atrophy, social purchasing power has fallen sharply, an unprecedented sharp market problems. Crisis was a big blow to the whole capitalist economy, makes the capitalist world industrial production fell by 44%, total trade volume fell by 66%. At this stage, the market marketing study features are: a. not from products to promote the narrow concept; b. on the basis of a deeper and wider study salesmanship and advertising; c. study is helpful to promote enterprise organization.

  3. The third stage: At the beginning of the 80 s and 1950 s, for the prosperous development of marketing period. At the end of the World War II, the national economy mentioned the civil economy. In this period, the market marketing the main features are: a. marketing research from the circulation into the production areas, has formed one kind of management guiding ideology; b. by the static research into dynamic research, emphasizing the overall coordination of activities between supply and demand; c. marketing by guiding the circulation of sales process development for a management science involved in the enterprise management decision.

  4. The fourth stage: The 1980 s, for marketing innovation stage of development. Marketing theory in guiding the enterprise marketing practice has made the important contribution. But since the 1980 s, with the increasingly intense competition in the international, the marketing environment is complicated, for some special complex marketing environment, marketing theory and method of conventional a show some limitations and shortcomings.

  Above stated are the four changes about the marketing, when it was developing.
 BY:Zhenren Ruan

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