
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Virtual Reality: The Future Makes Us All Look Like Idiots

Catchy title, I know. But this blog is about marketing, not comedy. Therefore we will only be covering half of said title in depth. The other half will be covered through an image, and a gif of a man being pushed from behind.

                                                      Get a load of this guy, am I right?

Anyway, Virtual Reality! Referred to often as VR, its most recent incarnation is a way of viewing two screens, one in each eye, that are each twisted and warped in such a way so that it appears perfectly in front of you as if it were reality. It gives you a sense of space and depth, and the built in gyroscopes track the movement of your head so that you can look around a full 360 degrees. In other words, you will literally feel like you're part of whatever you're viewing. It's truly the future of entertainment, people. A brand new medium with opportunities far outreaching video games.

Commercially, VR is mainly an entertainment system. The companies building them: Sony, Oculus, HTC/Valve, and Microsoft, are marketing it as an entertainment system because they know that's where the money is at: First person shooters and videos that you can look around freely at is what we'll all be spending our time enjoying in the coming decades...and boy will we look stupid.

Oculus, the company that kickstarted the VR craze, initiated a brilliant marketing ploy in order to stir up the most hype. They let the public know about the oculus' project every step of the way, letting the hype build up to an absolute max before it was finally released. This is a timeless and brilliant form of advertisement that, when executed correctly, can have a huge pay off for your product. You see by always talking about your product and bringing it back in to the public eye from time to time, for three years the way Oculus did, people could hardly contain themselves when it was time to get heir hands on one of their own. It's the same tactic used by filmmakers and video game developers and it always pays off for you. It's important to remember though that the hype must pay off in the end, so don't spend all your money on advertising instead of product quality!

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