
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Marketing In JDB Company

  Herbal tea, some bitter, some taste better, if you do not improve the recipe, like drinking syrup as Wang Lao Ji is not widely accepted. Herbal tea into selling drinks out of the South, more than a taste of mineral water, low degree of sugar than fruit juice and cola, but also solutions spicy oily solution; in the show for the banquet, it is cheap in the all price of the wine consumption, without braving the risk of drunk driving, guest of honor happy; elderly people can also go to its solution must constipation, and some elderly people use this secret weapon everyday. If there was no JDB’s promotion, will become a common herbal tea popular of all unisex selling drinks, Wong Lo Kat dispute also unlikely or at least not be so crowded. 

  JDB with product quality and marketing strength to conquer the consumer, culture and changed consumer spending habits. In this changing situation around the product itself seize loyal customers and channel operators, with their one win the marketing battle.

  The product is the key, even if the trademark can be copied, shared and even recovers, but in fact, JDB team improved formula recognized and accepted by consumers. If the product does not change the taste or better than before, and through media campaign and demands to establish JDB is better than the previous Wang Lao Ji, this is the first key that substantive core marketing elements. Just have confidence in their products, inviting the media and consumers blind drinking way for rating and encouragement as the wine can. However, attach great importance to consumers, pay attention to the terminal and channels are very important. Ad play more but put consumers and channel partners aside, waiting their natural selection, rather than effective guide and combined their strength, which is to themselves and their opponents on the starting line, not good use of own resources and advantages. TV ads again generous, if the media reported that a network is extremely diluted, and did not see the end consumer promotion and interpretation of the figure, but the opponent is quietly waiting to put their side unknown to erode consumers mistakenly playing mistake hit, could not find the familiar canned Wang Lao Ji looking for the next best thing will be green box of Wang Lao Ji. Even operators are also thought he was into counterfeit Wang Lao Ji. Despite any good consumer products are not sold, there is no system to do channel marketing and terminal marketing; products will not have a very good record. If just rely on television advertising driven, rather than a full range of three-dimensional marketing themselves as a new challenge to the past glory of self, rather than continue to be valid, be distinguished from the blue green rather than blue, this time JDB performance is not perfect. 

1. ChangAn (06.18.2012), INTRODUCTION OF GUANGDONG JIADUOBAO BEVERAGE & FOOD CO., LTD, ChangAn, [Online], Available from:

2. Gang Bai (12.23.2013), Wang Lao Ji and JDB who can be the winner in the future, Sina, [Online], Available from:

------Zhenren Ruan

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