
Sunday, April 17, 2016

What We Learned

Through our ten weeks of blogging, we have learned how marketing occurs, the way that it affects and influences people, and why exactly it’s so successful. Businesses market themselves to make larger profits and to make people aware of their products, but it does much more than that. Its success is made possible through marketing strategies and advertising techniques designed to catch our attention cognitively, and appeal to us emotionally. Marketing impacts the choices we make, our social culture, and how we live our lives.

times square advertisement.jpg

Marketing occurs in various ways, fluctuating based on the product or business being marketed. A restaurant will not be marketed the same way as a retail store, because different things are necessary for each of them to gain your attention. For an example of how marketing occurs in a specific industry, this post follows the steps of how a movie is marketed: ( ). Marketing is necessary for any business to be successful. How would anybody know about a product or company if it wasn’t advertised to the public?

Every day we see hundreds of examples of advertisements out in the world, and whether we realize it or not, they have a huge effect on us. Exposure to an ad that we like makes us much more likely to pay for that product next time we see it at the store, even if we didn’t intentionally decide we wanted it when first seeing the ad. Statistically, the most successful advertisements are the ones that don’t feel like a company is actually trying to sell you something, but rather they just associate their product with other positive things (sunshine, attractive people, puppies, etc.)  Subconsciously, we begin to feel a connection, and associate the product with the positive aspects of the ad. This is called affective conditioning, and is discussed more in this post: ( Companies strive to create a positive space for their ad, with the intention that people will subconsciously associate their product with happiness. Another aspect of affective conditioning is that it allows a company to create brand recognition by using a familiar theme. An easily recognizable pattern of this is used by Carl’s Jr., whose advertisements often feature an attractive model eating their food. One popular advertisement has the ability to completely dominate the market and create wildly popular trends that sweep the nation.

The thousands of advertisements that we see every day are hand chosen by marketers worldwide. We are exposed to these publications everywhere we look: Twitter, billboards, commercials, and radio. Have you ever noticed items you’ve recently searched for appearing on your favorite websites? Companies use this strategy to put the product in your mind, subtly enticing you to purchase it. It may seem like we’re aware of this type of advertising and not falling victim to it, but in reality, it influences us immensely, more than we realize.


Advertising has the ability to change and define our social culture. The consumerism surrounding holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter is largely due to marketing and advertising playing on our emotions, and turning these days into a money making opportunity. Marketing presents us with a picture of what a happy life should look like (and what products we would need for that) and causes us all to strive to emulate this. Clever marketing has changed these holidays from their original purpose to days centered around shopping, making it seem as if getting the perfect gifts or Easter basket is all that matters. The rise in consumerism relating to holidays just goes to show what a huge impact marketing has on our social culture.

Marketing is influential in the choices we make, our social culture, and how we live our lives. It’s important to understand how marketing companies are able to achieve success and why consumerism is impacting our society as a whole. By making ourselves aware of the psychology behind advertising and learning to recognize clever techniques, we learn the science of marketing, and how it’s impacting our lives every single day.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Epic of Catchy Slogans

You're in for a real treat.

Catchy slogans practically run the ad industry. If you don't have some fantastic slogan you can forget about ever being a household name, and I bet you could think up 20 catchy slogans off the top of your head without even trying. So I put something real special together you're gonna love this. I made a poem, strictly from some of the catchy big brand slogans in marketing. So please, do enjoy this semi-original piece from yours truly.

Think Big
Think Small
Think Different

Don't be evil
Save money, live better
Because you're worth it

There is no substitute
For the men in charge of change
Let your fingers do the walking

A diamond is forever
When you care enough to send the very best
Quality never goes out of style
Just do it

Expand your mind, change your world
Challenge everything
Imagination at work
Have you met life today?

So there you have it. You're welcome. You can show all your friends I don't mind. Hell, paint a pretty picture with the poem in the foreground; or photoshop it over a nature shot and post it on tumblr, people will eat that up. Anyway, the significance of this post is to show the connections between slogans. This almost seems like some sort of motivational speech. Using some very large and well known brand's slogans such as Nike, Google, Walmart, Apple, Fortune Magazine, etc., were chosen from a pool of 91. I encourage you to google slogans and have a look for yourself. Check out the slogan generator, it takes any word you put in to it and creates a list of short, catchy, positive sentences that you can put on practically anything you want. The point is that a good slogan, something that catches the eye (a good logo), and one-liner that sticks in your head like a bad song, is a great way to get that lasting appeal you need to keep your business relevant and profitable. The poem is admittedly an off the wall idea, but creating some sort of personal connection to something in order to understand it is a great learning strategy, especially in a field where off the wall ideas are sought after.

By: Maxamilian Tarpey


Sunday, April 10, 2016

Making Advertisement Money On Youtube

Since 2005, people have been uploading their own videos to Youtube. The website allows anybody to post their own video for the world to see, which later transformed into a mechanism for making money if you can grow a large enough audience. Youtube stars such as Felix Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie, have made millions of dollars off of their videos. Youtube stars like Felix can thank advertisers for their fortunes, because the advertisements that are played before their videos are what create them. Although, not just anybody can make money off of their Youtube videos. For example, the skateboarding videos that I posted on Youtube throughout high school never attracted enough attention for me to even attempt to make a profit. Advertisers look for users who have a huge following, and use that person's videos as a place to advertise their business.

Pictured Above: Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie), who has made millions off of his Youtube videos of him playing video games accompanied by his humor.

In you have an audience and want to make money off of your Youtube videos, you can signup for Adsense. Adsense it the advertising engine that google uses, which will place advertisements on your videos and begin earning you money. As long as you are using Adsense, you can at least make a small amount of money. As stated, as your audience grows, so will your profits. 

This form of advertising is one of many that has come about with the development of technology and the growth of the internet. Years ago, most people wouldn't have thought that they could become the subject of which businesses would want to advertise through. Sites like Youtube have made this idea a reality, and the potential continues to grow.

- Paul Gielow


- Berg, Madeline. "The World's Highest-Paid YouTube Stars 2015." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 14 
Oct. 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- Dickey, Megan Rose. "The 22 Key Turning Points In The History Of YouTube." Business Insider
Business Insider, Inc, 15 Feb. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- Lowry, Brian. "Review: ‘Scare PewDiePie’ on YouTube Red." Variety. N.p., 10 Feb. 2016. Web. 10 
Apr. 2016.

- Marvin, Ginny. "Nearly Every Google AdSense Publisher Must Comply With EU Cookie Consent, 
Not Just Those Based In The EU." Marketing Land. N.p., 28 July 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
- Rosenburg, Eric. "How to Make Money with YouTube | Investopedia." Investopedia. N.p., 24 Feb. 
2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Prompt #6:Evaluating Sources

  Focusing on XiaoMi farewell frivolous strategy, which it is a restructuring or fought? Lei Jun said this: "As long as standing in air, pigs can fly." Now, what is the "wind" small, or the "pig" too heavy? A crossroads sign, one hand is science and technology, and the other hand are humanities; Humanities and the intersection of technology, how we go and how we choose? In this paper, I would like to write about the argument about the XiaoMi marketing strategy.

  In the eyes of Chinese people, XiaoMi’s mobile phone is Chinese version of Apple; opinion in overseas markets, it is the Chinese characteristic "rice." In recent weeks, such a seemingly sophisticated mobile phone manufacturers, fined from false sales to user privacy leak checked. Twice he was flagged twice “sincere” apology; seemingly mature millet in fact not done. Millet erected in 2010, although its growth full of controversy, but the data show, and now the market value of millet reached "tens of billions of dollars", the domestic market sales in the second vendor. Today, the outside world for millet requirements become more “strict”, thus the “bad comments” is increasingly conspicuous.

  However XiaoMi’s marketing strategy is part of the most controversial to people. Repeatedly through the "hunger marketing" in Taiwan maddening popularity of millet, the local public opinion once again suffered shelling and related sector involvement. XiaoMi released miui6 in Beijing, and at the same day they also held promotional activities in Taiwan. Site users can not open a lot of the current login and the following was found after just less than 3 minutes, popular accessories "XiaoMi portable Wi-Fi" has no inventory. In early August, because of false sales by Taiwan "Fair Trade Commission" out of 600,000-yuan NT ticket. In Taiwan regulators opinion, such advertising is not real, is not only contrary to the principle of fair competition in the market, also in order to mislead the user unreasonable emotional consumption.

  Seemingly mature XiaoMi actually not a mature company. Last April, XiaoMi began selling in Hong Kong and Taiwan in February this year to enter the Singapore market. In July, XiaoMi enter the Indian market. Behind this, XiaoMi withstand much of the pressure. Chinese mobile phone manufacturers as a new force on the international stage, a very high cost to expand the market, it encountered resistance not only false door, alleging privacy door, there is more resistance in waiting. And we have different fans Chinese mainland market, in China Taiwan and Singapore, for XiaoMi test is 'the real thing'. So, in my opinion this young company does not know if it can stand the test or not, but now it seems not very optimistic. Because the decline in brand reputation of the fatal blow directly on the performance.

  Therefore, according to what I've learned, I believe that the establishment of trust in the market, the marketing process is the process of obtaining customer trust. People always want to trust with your things together. And the establishment of trust is not only relying on marketing, which goes back to all aspects of business, and the role of marketing, but also in how to quickly get more and broader trust. The changing of the market, the survival of enterprises faced with more uncertainty and intense competition, only fast-growing, occupying the market, in order to get the opportunity will be successful. Information society, consumers tend to be blind, information is often overloaded. When a fast-growing enterprise needs met some blind consumers, they need to seriously examine.
1. Ruth reader (August 15, 2014), Singapore investigates Xiaomi over data privacy issues, Venturebeat, [Online], Available from:
2. David Steele (September 1, 2014), Can Hunger Marketing Give You Indigestion: Xiaomi’s Dilemma, Androidheadlines, [Online], Available from:
3. Anand B (October 23, 2014), Xiaomi to migrate data of non-Chinese smartphone users to US and Singapore, Gizmolead, [Online], Available from:
By:Zhenren Ruan

Nike succeed in marketing strategy

  The early 1970s, in the United States jogging heat is gradually rise; millions of people began to wear sneakers. But dominant on the US athletic footwear market was Adidas, Puma and Tiger, they did not realize that this trend of sports shoes market, Nike focused their attention on this market, and selected as a target market, it specializes in the production to adapt to this trend Mass movement sneakers. Nike scored the "iron triangle", the rapid development of new running shoes, and has spent heavily to develop different styles, different prices and multi-purpose products. By 1979, Nike through the planning market and strong marketing of new products, its market share reached 33%, and finally reached the "iron triangle." However, later on, in the past to promote the success of Nike's young consumers have abandoned the sneakers, they are looking for new, less commercial atmosphere products. Nike seems to have trouble this time, the decline in sales, profits decline. Nike drastic reform time has come. So, Nike updated "look" technology, launched a series of new running shoes, sports shoes and focus on a variety of training shoes, outdoor sports department put its sales aligned with the yuppie generation and the new generation of unknown customers. It follows Wu bar is: innovative ideas. In the US, the market is saturated; the only constant innovation of the company can be developed. Nike uses its keen eye to observe the election unravel market, let go on but always stay ahead. Nike uses a market analysis to identify demand of the target market, and then use their technological advantage as far as possible diversification of products to meet different customer needs. Marketing of new products and its strong brand image of Nike have continued success is an important reason.
1. Staff(10 January,2012), NIKE: Everyone is on the #KobeSystem, Stupiddope, [Online], Available from:
2. Preliminary Information: Iconography Explained, [Online], Available from:
By:Zhenren Ruan

Boeing and McDonnell’s marketing strategy

In December 15, 1996, Boeing Aircraft Company announced the merger of McDonnell Douglas United Kingdom Company, so that the new Boeing is expected to become the world's largest civil and military aircraft manufacturers in 1997, the news industry very shocked. On the strength of McDonnell Douglas is the world's third largest aircraft manufacturing company, in 1993 the world's first 83 companies ranked. In recent years, however, in competition with Boeing and Airbus, and McDonnell Douglas all the way to defeat the world's total market share fell from 22% to 15%, and then again dropped to less than 10%. McDonnell Douglas was the world's largest military aircraft business, but now the technical capacity of the military machine cannot keep up the other major competitors, in order to continue to live independently, it is very difficult. As early as 1970, Britain, France, Germany, Spain, the four governments with their own aircraft manufacturer Airbus composition. By 1995, the market share increased from zero to 30%. Boeing took expand market share, not only the competitive civil aircraft greatly exceeded Airbus, and then McDonnell Douglas can use the advantages in terms of military aircraft, military and civilian unity. However, after the merger of Boeing McDonnell Douglas, McDonnell legal gone, but the new McDonnell Douglas and the late loss of opportunity to give full play to its advantages in the manufacture of military aircraft. Boeing and McDonnell Douglas to take a powerful combination of strategies, take people long to make up our own short, in order to deal with the most important competitors.


1., The Boeing-McDonnell Douglas Merger,, Online, Available From:
By: Zhenren Ruan

The Psychology behind Marketing

           There are many age-old pairs that go hand in hand such as Sonny and Cher, thunder and lightning, doctors and nurses, and peanut butter and jelly. One pair that’s very important, yet doesn’t usually come to mind for most people is marketing and psychology. Behind every successful marketing campaign and advertisement is a lot of psychological research.
Feel By including psychologists in the creation of advertisements, marketing companies see much more success. Over the years, psychologists have implemented the idea of affective conditioning into ads and commercials. With affective conditioning, the ad shows the product along with a bunch of things that are proven to make us feel good, such as sunshine, babies, people laughing, and beautiful scenery. Subconsciously, we associate this product with being happy and feeling good, making us much more likely to buy the product, even if it’s not something we really think we need. A study done by two psychologists, Melanie Dempsey and Andrew Mitchell, showed a group of people two different ads for pens. Ad A talked about many more beneficial qualities of their pen than did Ad B, but in Ad B, they showed the pen being associated with different positive items. 70-80% of the people tested said that they preferred the pen in Ad B, showing that people will prefer a pleasant commercial and a product that makes them feel happy over a product that has better attributes.
           After researching this topic, I felt a little weird about the fact that these companies are getting their product into our brain with psychological tactics. Do I actually like the things I like because I like them, or because affective conditioning is causing me to like them? It’s a strange concept to think about, and there’s no denying that psychology is responsible for the success of advertising in our world today. 

By: Rachel Seyfarth

Markham, Art, Ph.D. "What Does Advertising Do?" Psychology Today. N.p., 30 Aug. 2010. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.

"8 Things a School Psychologist Would Never Say to You." Pscyh2Go. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Virtual Reality: The Future Makes Us All Look Like Idiots

Catchy title, I know. But this blog is about marketing, not comedy. Therefore we will only be covering half of said title in depth. The other half will be covered through an image, and a gif of a man being pushed from behind.

                                                      Get a load of this guy, am I right?

Anyway, Virtual Reality! Referred to often as VR, its most recent incarnation is a way of viewing two screens, one in each eye, that are each twisted and warped in such a way so that it appears perfectly in front of you as if it were reality. It gives you a sense of space and depth, and the built in gyroscopes track the movement of your head so that you can look around a full 360 degrees. In other words, you will literally feel like you're part of whatever you're viewing. It's truly the future of entertainment, people. A brand new medium with opportunities far outreaching video games.

Commercially, VR is mainly an entertainment system. The companies building them: Sony, Oculus, HTC/Valve, and Microsoft, are marketing it as an entertainment system because they know that's where the money is at: First person shooters and videos that you can look around freely at is what we'll all be spending our time enjoying in the coming decades...and boy will we look stupid.

Oculus, the company that kickstarted the VR craze, initiated a brilliant marketing ploy in order to stir up the most hype. They let the public know about the oculus' project every step of the way, letting the hype build up to an absolute max before it was finally released. This is a timeless and brilliant form of advertisement that, when executed correctly, can have a huge pay off for your product. You see by always talking about your product and bringing it back in to the public eye from time to time, for three years the way Oculus did, people could hardly contain themselves when it was time to get heir hands on one of their own. It's the same tactic used by filmmakers and video game developers and it always pays off for you. It's important to remember though that the hype must pay off in the end, so don't spend all your money on advertising instead of product quality!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Product Placement in the Entertainment Industry

        Every time you watch a movie or flip on your favorite TV show, you’re bound to see many different real-life products sprinkled throughout the characters’ lives. Always thought that was just to add a sense of realness? In some cases, maybe. But for the most part, the brand name goods you see appear in a TV show or movie are all very carefully calculated. Advertisers call this product placement.

Product placement can work in 1 of 2 ways, by trade-off or financial compensation:
  •          With trade-off, the movie company will feature the product a certain number of times in the TV show/movie in exchange for an ample amount of the product (think Coca-Cola providing massive amounts of their beverages on set every day in exchange for being shown in the movie 3 times)
  •          With financial compensation, the brand will approach the film company and negotiate a price in exchange for their product being shown in their TV show a certain number of times (Neer)

So why do companies use product placement? Do they really think we’re so easily swayed that we would be more inclined to purchase a product merely because we saw it in a movie or TV show? Well as it turns out, we are. According to psychologist Dr. Ian Zimmerman, product placement affects our implicit attitudes, meaning that we unknowingly associate the attitude or feelings we get from watching something with the products that are shown in them as well. If we have positive emotions towards a TV show or movie, we subconsciously will have positive feelings for the brands featured as well. Proof? After Red Stripes’ placement in the movie The Firm, the beer company saw a 50% sales increase, and after Reese’s Pieces were placed in E.T. the Extra Terrestrial, their company’s sales went up 65% (Zimmerman). Although we probably don’t outright choose our food and drink based on what we see on screen, it looks like advertisers’ mind-games work a lot better than we might think.

Next time you find yourself drawn towards a certain food item, drink, or gadget at the store, you can most likely thank product placement while tossing it into your cart.

By: Rachel Seyfarth


"Film, Music, and Books That I Love." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.
Neer, Katherine. "How Product Placement Works." HowStuffWorks. N.p., 04 July 2003. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.
Zimmerman, Ian. "Product Placement Can Be A Lot More Powerful Than We Realize." Psychology               Today. N.p., 25 Mar. 2013. Web. 05 Apr. 2016.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Marketing In JDB Company

  Herbal tea, some bitter, some taste better, if you do not improve the recipe, like drinking syrup as Wang Lao Ji is not widely accepted. Herbal tea into selling drinks out of the South, more than a taste of mineral water, low degree of sugar than fruit juice and cola, but also solutions spicy oily solution; in the show for the banquet, it is cheap in the all price of the wine consumption, without braving the risk of drunk driving, guest of honor happy; elderly people can also go to its solution must constipation, and some elderly people use this secret weapon everyday. If there was no JDB’s promotion, will become a common herbal tea popular of all unisex selling drinks, Wong Lo Kat dispute also unlikely or at least not be so crowded. 

  JDB with product quality and marketing strength to conquer the consumer, culture and changed consumer spending habits. In this changing situation around the product itself seize loyal customers and channel operators, with their one win the marketing battle.

  The product is the key, even if the trademark can be copied, shared and even recovers, but in fact, JDB team improved formula recognized and accepted by consumers. If the product does not change the taste or better than before, and through media campaign and demands to establish JDB is better than the previous Wang Lao Ji, this is the first key that substantive core marketing elements. Just have confidence in their products, inviting the media and consumers blind drinking way for rating and encouragement as the wine can. However, attach great importance to consumers, pay attention to the terminal and channels are very important. Ad play more but put consumers and channel partners aside, waiting their natural selection, rather than effective guide and combined their strength, which is to themselves and their opponents on the starting line, not good use of own resources and advantages. TV ads again generous, if the media reported that a network is extremely diluted, and did not see the end consumer promotion and interpretation of the figure, but the opponent is quietly waiting to put their side unknown to erode consumers mistakenly playing mistake hit, could not find the familiar canned Wang Lao Ji looking for the next best thing will be green box of Wang Lao Ji. Even operators are also thought he was into counterfeit Wang Lao Ji. Despite any good consumer products are not sold, there is no system to do channel marketing and terminal marketing; products will not have a very good record. If just rely on television advertising driven, rather than a full range of three-dimensional marketing themselves as a new challenge to the past glory of self, rather than continue to be valid, be distinguished from the blue green rather than blue, this time JDB performance is not perfect. 

1. ChangAn (06.18.2012), INTRODUCTION OF GUANGDONG JIADUOBAO BEVERAGE & FOOD CO., LTD, ChangAn, [Online], Available from:

2. Gang Bai (12.23.2013), Wang Lao Ji and JDB who can be the winner in the future, Sina, [Online], Available from:

------Zhenren Ruan

Prompt #9 Recognizing Significance

Yesterday, April 2nd, Rhode Island’s top marketing official, Betsy Walls, resigned due to making a rather embarrassing error in a video funded by the state hoping to increase tourism. What was the blunder? The video, which featured different landmarks and desirable places in the state, showed a clip of someone skateboarding in front Harpa Concert Hall in Reykjavik, Iceland. A state-wide marketing campaign dedicated to showing off the wonderful places to visit in Rhode Island, and they mistakenly show a video of a building in a completely different country.  To say the least, people were shocked, upset, and downright confused about how this could have happened.

          Marketing plays an insanely massive role in our daily lives. Pretty much every form of media and every advertisement that we encounter throughout the day was chosen by a marketing team. Marketing dictates what we see and what we are exposed to, and influences the ideas and thoughts we have. Marketing and media have a huge responsibility to the public, so people often get angry when something being marketed isn’t represented correctly.
           Marketing is built on trust. If the advertiser does not establish themselves as credible, the ad is basically meaningless. Marketers have a moral responsibility to the public to keep their advertisements 100% honest and accurate at all times. Marketing and advertising are how we get so much of our information, and this news story is a prime example of how upset people will get when they are not being presented with accurate information. The significance of a job in marketing is to figure out how to educate, inform, convince, and appeal to viewers, and without establishing your brand as a trustworthy source, you will not be successful.

            When marketing is not done with research, integrity, and extreme attention to detail, the company or product will not be successful, and will definitely not gain the favor of the public. 

By: Rachel Seyfarth


Bramson, Kate, and Patrick Anderson. "R.I. Video with Iceland Images Released despite Raimondo                Staffer Questions." N.p., 30 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

Juliusson, Ingolfur. "Tourism Video's Oops Moment." Stuff. N.p., 31 Mar. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

"Rhode Island Marketing Official Resigns over Botched Tourism Video | Fox News." Fox News.                      FOX News Network, 02 Apr. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2016.

The Importance Of Packaging

When you're walking down an aisle in a store looking for a specific product, there is one thing that makes you recognize what you're looking for, and that is the product's packaging. The packaging of a product is nearly as important as the product itself. According to The Paper Worker, packaging is responsible for about one-third of consumer decision-making. The way that your product is packaged represents your brand, and is an enormous part of marketing alone. Personally, I have a great appreciation for the way that Apple packages their products because of the simplicity and how easily recognizable it makes their products. Packaging has a huge impact on consumers emotions just like advertisements do.

According to Business Insider, it only takes about seven seconds for a product and it's packaging to form a first impression on someone, so it better be good. It is crucial for your product to stand out when it is on a shelf full of similar ones, and this is where packaging comes into play. Although, packaging is important outside of the store as well. When somebody shops online, and their package arrives, they may take a picture of it and post it online. If the packaging design is aesthetically pleasing, almost 40% of consumers would be likely to post a photo online, according to The Paper Worker. This is basically a form of free advertising, and if thats not enough to prove exactly how important packaging is, then I don't know what is.

Overall, packaging has the potential to attract customers, provide information that promotes the brand, influence the purchase decision, and differentiate the product from others. But, functionality is also extremely important. Besides these things stated, the main goal of a package is to protect the product. Packaging serves so many purposes, and cannot be forgotten if a brand is striving for success.

- Paul Gielow


Lorette, Kristie. "Importance of Product Packaging in Marketing." Importance of Product Packaging in Marketing. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.

"      - Why Your Product's Packaging Is as Important as the Product Itself." N.p., 22 Sept. 2014. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.

Jarski, Veronika. "How Product Packaging Affects Buying Decisions [Infographic]." MarketingProfs. N.p., 6 Sept. 2014. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.