
Monday, March 21, 2016

Marketing at MSU

           As a Michigan State student, the list of possible clubs and groups to join is endless. Whether you like underwater hockey, playing quidditch, or watching squirrels, there is definitely a club for you. Now, if you are interested in business, MSU has many amazing clubs and organizations that can foster lifelong connections and help you gain the skills you will need to get an internship, and eventually, a full-time job.
If you like the idea of Greek Life but want to be a part of a business organization too, rushing a business fraternity is a great option for you. There are four business fraternities here at MSU: Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Chi Theta, Delta Sigma Pi, and Pi Sigma Epsilon. Each is unique and brings something different to the table. Alpha Kappa Psi is the only co-ed fraternity that is a part of the Inter Fraternity Council, meaning it’s “actually Greek.” They have a house, and mix business with fun social events. I’m a member of Phi Chi Theta, so naturally I’m going to tell you that this is the best out of the four. While they have a very selective rush process, taking around 15-20% of those who rush, they have an amazing mixture of professional, social, and service events that will help you make lifelong friends and find your home away from home here at MSU. Delta Sigma Pi is more on the professional side of the spectrum, with many great events to help better you as a business leader. Pi Sigma Epsilon is very new to MSU and focuses a lot on traveling and doing different sales competitions. All four of these organizations are a great way to make friends and learn about business.
            If you aren’t looking for such a high level of commitment, then maybe a marketing club is a better fit for you. The MSU Marketing Association is a great club on campus that has different professionals in the marketing world come and speak to their group. They also go on trips to visit and tour companies, and have sessions where club members can speak to recruiters. There’s also Marketing Mix, which splits the members up into teams and then they are paired up with local businesses. They then have to come up with marketing strategies to help the local business, and get real-life, hands on experience doing actual marketing projects for the company. This is a great way to see if marketing is really the career for you, and to build your resume.
            If you don’t want to just learn specifically about marketing, and want to just learn more about business in general, there are clubs such as Women in Business, The Multi-Cultural Business Association, DECA that focus more on business as a whole. Through more general business clubs like these, you will learn about what it takes to be a successful businessman or businesswoman and acquire well-rounded knowledge about all aspects of business.
           No matter which type of business group is right for you at MSU, you’re sure to gain experience that will help you to be successful in your future career, to make amazing friends, and to have fun.

By: Rachel Seyfarth


"I Just Wanted to Say Thank You to Gaz and the Marvel Heroes Community!" Marvel Heroes 2016.               Web. 21 Mar. 2016.

"Student Organizations & Activities/Financial Accounts." Department of Student Life.                                     Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

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