
Sunday, March 27, 2016

An Eggcelent Ad

Every time the holidays come around the ads we see start to tug at our emotions. Companies know the holidays have a special meaning to everyone. In order to market their product, many companies use pathos in their holiday ads. This makes the viewer connect with the ad on a more personal level, which quickly increases the sales of the product.

The Walmart ad released this year for the Easter holiday is a great example of playing on the audiences emotions. The ad starts by using the family relationship to make you feel good and happy. Then, they make you feel sad as the little girls garden doesn't grow, when she is sad you are too. Finally, you are happy again when the garden is blooming. The quick changes of your emotions from happy to sad to happy again make you attached to the commercial. This attachment easily makes you want to shop at Walmart for your Easter supplies. That is exactly what the company wants the viewer to feel after watching the commercial. Walmart has done an "eggcelent" job using pathos to market the Easter holiday to their customers.

Cyprus, Jenna. "How to Effectively Use Pathos and Logos in Your Online Marketing
       Strategy." SMB CEO. N.p., Feb. 2016. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.

By: Sydney Smith

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