
Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to Market Yourself

In any job environment it is important to be the best you possible. You have to put your best foot forward and impress everyone surrounding you. However, this is never an easy task.

In order to become the best you, it is critical to know yourself and who you are. Instead of saying I'm great at working in groups you should explain why you're great at working in groups and what specifically you bring to the table. This will allow you to immediately stand out in any interview or to your superior.

As well, you need to have confidence in yourself. After all, the person looking back at you in the mirror is always your biggest competition. Step back and evaluate the positives and negatives you believe you hold. But, don't stop there, change the negatives into positives. Put in the extra work to be the person you want to see in the mirror.

You are not and never will be the same person as the people sitting next to you. Everybody is their own unique person. Pull out what makes you unique and use it to your advantage. Allow a company or boss to remember you because you stood out. It is good to be different, many people write down the same boring information on their resume. Instead, write about what skills are unique to you. You will stand out immediately and you will be remembered.

If you use these tools in your everyday life and especially in your business life, you are guaranteed success. You will connect with yourself and your confidence will increase. This will show within the first ten seconds of an interview, which will allow you to stand out to an employer. By learning to market yourself correctly, you can achieve anything you desire.

Breslin, Susannah. "How To Sell Yourself." Forbes. N.p., 8 June 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 

By: Sydney Smith


  1. This is great for someone going into any degree! Great post!

    1. thank you! I do believe in can apply to all degrees
