
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Social Media Marketing

The growing world of social media is becoming key to a businesses success. Businesses are now using social media to expand their brand. Social media marketing involves a company sharing and promoting their brand through social media sites in order to communicate their product to the desired customer (WordStream). Many companies are paying celebrities to post on social media about their product. This increases sales as the celebrities fans want to buy the products that celebrity uses.
Social media allows a business to tell one person about their product. However, that one person will tell two people and those two people will tell two more and so on. This way, the company puts in minimal effort and money and their brand communicates to millions of people. When a business posts on social media often, the consumer feels more connected to them which creates a sense of loyalty between the company and the customer (Demers, 2014).

It is not only important for a business to post on social media but also to listen to their audience. Many consumers will post about what they'd like in a product or service. By listening to this audience, a company can promote what they wish for. This will generate more sales and create a stronger relationship between the business and customer. Social media marketing is an emerging world for businesses. This world is extremely beneficial to a company and their relationship with the customer.

DeMers, Jason. "The Top 10 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing." Forbes. Forbes, 11 Aug. 2014. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.

"Social Media Marketing for Businesses." Word Stream. Word Stream, n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2016.

By: Sydney Smith

Monday, March 28, 2016

Marketing Jobs Available to You

Many people believe marketing jobs are limited to commercials and advertisements. In reality, the marketing careers available are quite broad. There is a multitude of jobs you could have with a marketing degree. The 10 most popular jobs are, marketing manager, sales representative, marketing specialist, sales manager, public relations specialist, account manager, human resources specialist, assistant store manager, business intelligence analyst, and operations manager.

With a marketing degree, you can have one of these jobs and earn the correlated salary. However, each of these careers require the necessary training. The majority of people applying for these careers will have at least a Bachelor's degree. It is crucial that you complete the training for a desired marketing career. The truth of the matter is that a lot of people pursue a marketing degree. In order to stand out from the crowd and earn one of these top 10 jobs, you need to make yourself as competitive as possible. With the required training, self confidence, and personal skills, you can earn one of these esteemed careers.

Pfeffer, Jennifer. "10 In-Demand Jobs You Could Land with a Marketing 
       Degree." Rasmussen College. N.p., 29 Feb. 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.

By: Sydney Smith

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Ford Motor Company’s marketing process

         Between 1903 to 1908, Ford Motor Company founder Henry Ford and his engineers feverishly developed 19 different models of cars, in alphabetical order are named them as A to S. At the technical basis of these cars, the Ford Motor Company in October 1, 1908 launched the Model T; this kind of car made millions of Americans be fascinated to it. Before the Model T cars appeared to people’s eyes, the car factories are in manual production workshop-style. This mode of production makes the car very low yield, high cost. Early 20th century, the price of a car in the United States is about $ 4700, which is equivalent to the income of an average worker for several years. Henry Ford believed that the car market in order to be able to create huge profits into the market, we must change the cars’ price and make it be one kind of goods that ordinary people can afford, but in order to do this, low the price is the most significant key of it. Pipeline was originally used in the production of the Model T Henry Ford in 1913 at Ford's Highland Park factory first. At that time, other companies assemble the car needs more than 700 hours, while Ford needed only 12.5 hours. This makes the Model T Ford was pushed the market price into only $ 850, far below the market price. With the continuous improvement of the pipeline, ten years later, Ford's productivity increased to alarming levels: every 10 seconds to produce a car. At the same time, the market price of Ford's declining in 1910 dropped to $ 780, down to $ 690 in 1911, fell sharply in 1914 to $ 360, and finally down to $ 260. Ford's advanced production methods as it brings a great market advantage. In 1908, production of the Model T was 10,660, setting a record in the automotive industry; in 1915, Model T production reached 300,000, accounting for 70% to 80% of US total automobile output; to 1921, T - car production accounts for 56.6% of the world's total automobile output. Model T eventually yield more than 1500 million, Ford became the nation's largest car company. Model T to achieve great market success later, Henry Ford continue to improve production line, the potential for a single model of mass production to the extreme. By the mid-1920s, due to the surge in production, the US auto market has basically formed a buyer's market, road and traffic conditions have been greatly improved, although the Model T car are simple and cheap, it has been unable to meet consumer demand. Faced with the price advantage of Ford's cars, General Motors Corp turned to make a big fuss in the car's comfort, individuality and diversity, etc., in order to fight Ford, and they introduced a new car named Chevrolet. Then Chevrolet became very popular, and a serious impact on the market share of the Model T cars of Ford. However, faced with changes in the market, Ford still stubbornly adhered to the concept of production centers. He does not believe there are more economical than single species, high-volume, sophisticated division of labor, production lines, and more efficient production methods. He even willing to produce other colors other than black car, he declared: "No matter what color you need, Ford only have black".

         Every time GM introduced a new product or a new model, the Ford always adhere to reduce prices to deal with. In 1926, Henry Ford made a last desperate effort; the Model T announced a sale. But this time, the price is no longer valid. Eventually, Ford had to admit defeat. In 1927, T car stopped production. Discontinued after the Model T, Ford faced product transition issues. However, for almost the last 30 years, Ford has produced only one model of this car, extremely difficult product transition, all of the equipment, technology can only be used for the production of the Model T. It is necessary under halted condition, spend a lot of money and time to fully update the equipment and technology. In 1927, Ford was forced to stop production, the recombinant production line, replace 15000 lathe, re-design and manufacture of machine tools 25000. By the time production of new models, Ford has dropped from the nation's largest car company a second. Rush new models to market, many of the components of the technology is not mature, coupled with the subsequent forced to replace the engine, Ford again had discontinued. General Motors Corp. and other competitors took the opportunity to seize the market. Until today, Ford was not able to regain its former status of the nation's largest car company.

      Finally, the Model T outcome was embarrassing failure. In fact, Henry Ford interest in innovation has been to the old nor the recession, however, all his innovation hot Sui and capacity are reflected in the T-car, but rather the result can not accept any deviation from the "easy to use" the Features practices. This psychological feature is very common, especially those who have made remarkable achievements. Strengthening past success even solidify its successful model, making them overconfident and dedication, even ideological rigidity. Henry Ford can indeed be said to create a new era, but he also cannot stop the arrival of another new era.

------Zhenren Ruan

Available from: [03.26.2016]
1. Studymode (December 13, 2010), Marketing Strategy of Ford Motor Company, Studymode [Online], Available from:

An Eggcelent Ad

Every time the holidays come around the ads we see start to tug at our emotions. Companies know the holidays have a special meaning to everyone. In order to market their product, many companies use pathos in their holiday ads. This makes the viewer connect with the ad on a more personal level, which quickly increases the sales of the product.

The Walmart ad released this year for the Easter holiday is a great example of playing on the audiences emotions. The ad starts by using the family relationship to make you feel good and happy. Then, they make you feel sad as the little girls garden doesn't grow, when she is sad you are too. Finally, you are happy again when the garden is blooming. The quick changes of your emotions from happy to sad to happy again make you attached to the commercial. This attachment easily makes you want to shop at Walmart for your Easter supplies. That is exactly what the company wants the viewer to feel after watching the commercial. Walmart has done an "eggcelent" job using pathos to market the Easter holiday to their customers.

Cyprus, Jenna. "How to Effectively Use Pathos and Logos in Your Online Marketing
       Strategy." SMB CEO. N.p., Feb. 2016. Web. 27 Mar. 2016.

By: Sydney Smith

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Marketing Madness

Every March, 68 NCAA college basketball teams go head to head hoping to win the championship. Within the championship, there are stages. These stages include the Sweet 16, the Elite Eight, and the Final Four. Each team fights to reach these stages, and their fans stand with them in support. That's right, each of the 68 teams has a following of students, alumni, and others. These fans are the audience of what has become one of the most popular events through which businesses advertise. This huge audience is the perfect target for companies to try and reach. The Universities that make it to the championship are given the opportunity to market themselves simply by being a part of the competition. Fans of these teams are likely to go out and buy school clothing, banners, and countless other items that represent how die-hard of a fan they really are.

Along with the schools themselves, other businesses take advantage of the events by airing commercials during the games and placing advertisements online related to them. A great way for smaller businesses to market their brand is if a school near them makes it to the championship. Showing support for their team online or within an advertisement will get the attention of the students and fans, and have them thinking that you're on their side. There are an endless number of ways to market your brand related to March Madness, and businesses all over are doing just that.

- Paul Gielow


- Carter, Brandon. "5 March Madness Marketing Tips To Help Your Brand Perform During the Big Dance." English 5 March Madness Marketing Tips To Help Your Brand Perform During the Big Dance Comments. N.p., 11 Mar. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

- Demetriou, Gregory P. "March Madness Marketing." The Huffington Post., 22 Mar. 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

- "How To Watch NCAA March Madness Live on Mobile & Streaming Devices." HD Report. N.p., 13 Mar. 2016. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

- O'Brien, Mike. "Final Four: Brands Who Did March Madness Marketing Best." ClickZ Final Four Brands Who Did March Madness Marketing Best Comments. N.p., 3 Apr. 2015. Web. 24 Mar. 2016.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Evolution of Music Marketing

As technology has advanced, content such as news, shows and movies, and music have all seen a big change in the platform on which they are displayed and accessed by people. Traditional sources such as news papers, VHS and DVD players, or vinyl records and CDs have become less commonly used in comparison to things such as online news or video and music streaming websites. In regards specifically to the music industry, the introduction of sites such as iTunes had an enormous effect. Personally, almost all of the music that I own came from iTunes or some other online site for downloading music. I have probably only purchased three or four CDs in my entire life, making me an example of the difference between the way that my generation experiences music and the way that generations of the past have.

When Apple introduced iTunes in 2003, everything about the music industry changed. It was no longer necessary to drive to a record store and buy an entire album when you only wanted to listen to a select few of the songs anyways. Record Labels were hit hard by this change, because it completely flipped the way that they sold and marketed music. It became more difficult to market the selling of CDs because that form was so much less convenient than digital purchases. Therefore, record labels were forced to move the marketing focus to the internet in order to keep up with their target audience. The birth of iTunes was followed by the growing popularity of music streaming sites such as Pandora Radio and Spotify. Record labels sell the rights to music that they own to sites like these where people can listen to it. These days, people choose exactly what music they want to listen to because of the available option to pick and choose between songs rather than listening to entire albums.

Overall, music has become more difficult to market. People know what they like and want to listen to, and they don't care which songs, albums, or bands that record labels advertise to them. All music can be found somewhere on the internet, so people make decisions for themselves rather than letting record labels or radio stations tell them what to listen to.

- Paul Gielow


Griggs, Brandon, and Todd Leopold. "How ITunes Changed Music, and the World." CNN. Cable News Network, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
Tee, James. "The Evolution Of Music Streaming Apps." The Evolution Of Music Streaming Apps. Digital Marketing Magazine, 1 June 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.


Monday, March 21, 2016

Marketing at MSU

           As a Michigan State student, the list of possible clubs and groups to join is endless. Whether you like underwater hockey, playing quidditch, or watching squirrels, there is definitely a club for you. Now, if you are interested in business, MSU has many amazing clubs and organizations that can foster lifelong connections and help you gain the skills you will need to get an internship, and eventually, a full-time job.
If you like the idea of Greek Life but want to be a part of a business organization too, rushing a business fraternity is a great option for you. There are four business fraternities here at MSU: Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Chi Theta, Delta Sigma Pi, and Pi Sigma Epsilon. Each is unique and brings something different to the table. Alpha Kappa Psi is the only co-ed fraternity that is a part of the Inter Fraternity Council, meaning it’s “actually Greek.” They have a house, and mix business with fun social events. I’m a member of Phi Chi Theta, so naturally I’m going to tell you that this is the best out of the four. While they have a very selective rush process, taking around 15-20% of those who rush, they have an amazing mixture of professional, social, and service events that will help you make lifelong friends and find your home away from home here at MSU. Delta Sigma Pi is more on the professional side of the spectrum, with many great events to help better you as a business leader. Pi Sigma Epsilon is very new to MSU and focuses a lot on traveling and doing different sales competitions. All four of these organizations are a great way to make friends and learn about business.
            If you aren’t looking for such a high level of commitment, then maybe a marketing club is a better fit for you. The MSU Marketing Association is a great club on campus that has different professionals in the marketing world come and speak to their group. They also go on trips to visit and tour companies, and have sessions where club members can speak to recruiters. There’s also Marketing Mix, which splits the members up into teams and then they are paired up with local businesses. They then have to come up with marketing strategies to help the local business, and get real-life, hands on experience doing actual marketing projects for the company. This is a great way to see if marketing is really the career for you, and to build your resume.
            If you don’t want to just learn specifically about marketing, and want to just learn more about business in general, there are clubs such as Women in Business, The Multi-Cultural Business Association, DECA that focus more on business as a whole. Through more general business clubs like these, you will learn about what it takes to be a successful businessman or businesswoman and acquire well-rounded knowledge about all aspects of business.
           No matter which type of business group is right for you at MSU, you’re sure to gain experience that will help you to be successful in your future career, to make amazing friends, and to have fun.

By: Rachel Seyfarth


"I Just Wanted to Say Thank You to Gaz and the Marvel Heroes Community!" Marvel Heroes 2016.               Web. 21 Mar. 2016.

"Student Organizations & Activities/Financial Accounts." Department of Student Life.                                     Web. 17 Apr. 2016.

The Species Of Marketing

Marketing is the process of organizing and directing all the company activities which relate to determining the market demand and converting the customers buying power into an effective demand for a service and bringing that service to the customer.
If you want your company to succeed, at some point you will need to begin marketing your products or services. The old adage that the worst type of advertising is no advertising is still true. No matter what your marketing budget may be, there are many different types of marketing that you can take advantage of. Let's take a look at a few of the more proven techniques that combine low cost with major results.
Online Marketing
Online marketing has opened up incredible avenues for small businesses. Thanks to companies like Google and Overture, you can place ads for your company right along side the big guns at competitive prices. Never before has it been easier to market your business than it is right now.
New forms of online marketing are also making headway. Online video ads are easy and cheap to shoot and give you the kind of exposure that was previously limited to expensive national television campaigns. With low production costs and reasonable pricing, you can run an online video campaign at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.
Offline Marketing
  The benefits of traditional marketing cannot be overlooked in our digital age. Many companies are reaping the benefits of combining online and offline marketing techniques. For example, you can use direct mail or local advertising to drive potential customers to your site. This is a great and proven combination that results in increased traffic and better conversions.
You can actually save money on print campaigns by relying on your website to do the actual selling while the print ad can function as a pointer. You'll save money using less words while building brand awareness. Radio ads are still a proven way to increase awareness of your company. If you are new to radio marketing, try placing a sample ad with a local station. They'll be able to assist you in producing your first ad until you get the hang of the process.
Word of Mouth Marketing
  Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful forms of advertising on the planet. The best word of mouth comes from satisfied customers. Go the extra mile for them, and really work towards building relationships with your customers. This will result not only in more leads but they'll keep coming back to you in the future. Try running special promotions or coupons for these regular customers to help them feel that they are special and you'll really be able to continue to build on these relationships in the future.
  The best marketing strategies take advantage of all the different types of advertising. By spreading your ad dollars around you can be assured of greater success and better interaction with the public. Start small by combining a special promotion that will run both in print and online avenues at the same time. You can keep track of the success of each method by using coupon codes to see which form suits your company the best.

---Zhenren Ruan

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Prompt Post #8 Practicing Your Knowledge

In order to learn how marketing works I took a hands on approach. Through my job at Athleta I was able to learn about marketing in a retail environment by personally experiencing it. I quickly found how different marketing is in a real work place compared to marketing in schoolwork and textbooks.

While working, my task was to arrange the clothing in the store in a way that would be appealing to the customer. I had to think about the time of year, which was right after New Years. Knowing this, I arranged the store so that the workout clothes were at the front table. This way the workout clothing would be the first thing the customer saw, making it easier for them to build their wardrobe for their New Years resolution.

This scenario couldn't be taught in a textbook or a class, it was learned from personal experience. Situations such as this are a unique way to build my marketing skills. Nobody else has the same experiences as I do, I can use these to my advantage as I pursue a career in the field.

Although I believe there are some things that can't be taught, it is important to study marketing in school and take classes that relate. There are many things that can be taught in school that will make your experiences in the field easier. One thing I have learned is how to make advertisements that correctly market a product to a specific target audience. Learning this and practicing it in class will build my skills so that I'm prepared for a career.

If you want to be truly successful in marketing it is important to not only practice in school but also gain personal experiences. When you combine your experience with the skills you have been taught, you will know the right thing to do and be able to accomplish each task.

By: Sydney Smith

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Campaign Marketing

With the 2016 presidential election just around the corner, campaign ads seem to be everywhere. Whether it be while scanning those Facebook posts Uncle Jim Bob is constantly sharing, getting your weekly Bachelor fix, or scrolling through Twitter, politicians are using every opportunity possible to try and secure your vote.

One of the most common forms of campaigning is of course through television commercials. When creating a TV advertisement, it needs to send a cohesive message about the candidate and stay true to what the candidate is aiming to portray as their values. Many candidate’s marketing teams take facts about the candidate such as bills they have worked to pass, bills they have voted for/against, and ideas they plan to implement to better America and try to package them up into an advertisement that shines their client in a positive light. Another useful tactic employed by these marketing teams is to try and take down the competition by creating negative advertisements about competitors. In many instances, they will skew the truth, leave out information, and take words and actions out of context in order to paint the opposition in a negative light. While this may not seem like a very ethical route to take, there is no doubt that it is extremely effective and becoming the most commonly seen type of campaign commercial. 

With social media being a huge form of communication, especially for the younger generations, it is essential for every candidate to be utilizing Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Marketing teams have many staff members devoted to sending out social media updates daily, even hourly, about the candidate. With trying to appeal to the younger crowd, creating clever and interesting social media posts is critical to sparking and maintaining the interest of the reader. Candidates with posts that make them seem cool, hip, and not just your average stuffy politician are much more likely to be popular with younger voters. While the information within these social media posts is important, just name recognition and familiarity alone is crucial for a candidate.

While these ads do their job in convincing voters to support their candidate, it is important to remember that these marketing agencies' job is to do whatever it takes to make their client seem like the best choice, and they are extremely good at what they do. So, before you head out to the polls this November, try to sift through all of the political ads that are flying at you from every direction to make an educated choice. 

By: Rachel Seyfarth


How to Market Yourself

In any job environment it is important to be the best you possible. You have to put your best foot forward and impress everyone surrounding you. However, this is never an easy task.

In order to become the best you, it is critical to know yourself and who you are. Instead of saying I'm great at working in groups you should explain why you're great at working in groups and what specifically you bring to the table. This will allow you to immediately stand out in any interview or to your superior.

As well, you need to have confidence in yourself. After all, the person looking back at you in the mirror is always your biggest competition. Step back and evaluate the positives and negatives you believe you hold. But, don't stop there, change the negatives into positives. Put in the extra work to be the person you want to see in the mirror.

You are not and never will be the same person as the people sitting next to you. Everybody is their own unique person. Pull out what makes you unique and use it to your advantage. Allow a company or boss to remember you because you stood out. It is good to be different, many people write down the same boring information on their resume. Instead, write about what skills are unique to you. You will stand out immediately and you will be remembered.

If you use these tools in your everyday life and especially in your business life, you are guaranteed success. You will connect with yourself and your confidence will increase. This will show within the first ten seconds of an interview, which will allow you to stand out to an employer. By learning to market yourself correctly, you can achieve anything you desire.

Breslin, Susannah. "How To Sell Yourself." Forbes. N.p., 8 June 2012. Web. 13 Mar. 

By: Sydney Smith

Marketing Discipline

   As the old Chinese saying goes: No any orders without laws and rules. Discipline plays a very important role in the social order of life. Public places require discipline; the march to war requires discipline; school teaching also requires discipline. Only discipline can make the things become unreasonable and establish trust. Discipline also guarantees the implementation of the road. Because like an army, if they don’t have any discipline, they cannot win the victory at the end of the war, since they are so mess. Since ancient times, regardless of which generation of the emperor to rule the world, they are inseparable from the ironclad discipline. Without discipline, how can the emperors govern their country? How can the emperors make their country stability and order it? In school if there is no discipline, teachers will be giddy to how can they manage their students, do not let the students get into trouble? Therefore, people's success is inseparable from the strict discipline.

  Also in my own fields is like that, too. Each of the major should have it own discipline to protect it and order it. Otherwise, it might be in trouble and became very chaos. My field is the marketing. However, in the Wikipedia we can find the marketing is the thing that marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product or service to customers for the purpose of selling the product or service. It is a critical business function for attracting customers. It also has it’s own discipline in it’s field. Marketing disciplines provides organizations marketing support services at a fraction of the cost of higher-priced advertising agencies. With marketing disciplines, organizations without in-house capabilities can meet their business objectives at a reasonable cost. (marketing-disciplines, March 5,2016) So we should obey the rule of it more careful. Because of the fact that one error will fail the all things you done before. As we know, nowadays, some big companies didn’t obey the rules that their own create, even the government required. For example, the instant noodle use the gutter oil want to strengthening their facility with numbers and make more profit to company, but it need to face to the legal sanction at the end.

  To sum up, in my own view, I think in my fields, the disciplines and rules of it are very important to success or fail.
--- Zhenren Ruan

1.Wikipedia, Marketing, Wikipedia, [Online], Available from: [Assessed March 05,2016]
2. Marketing-disciplines, [Online], Available from: [Assessed March 06,2016]

Thursday, March 3, 2016

If Viewers Move To Online Streaming, Marketing Will Follow

Netflix is just one of the many options for the online streaming of movies, shows, and more. There are many other companies that offer this, such as Hulu. As the popularity of online streaming grows, the number of people paying for cable television is growing smaller. People are finding that online streaming is cheaper than their old cable plans, and this has a direct effect on marketing. For years, television commercials have been one of the best ways for a brand to market themselves. As people move from cable to online streaming, marketing plans are going to have to be adjusted and follow them.

Although, one of the main reasons that people are attracted to Netflix is because there are no commercials. Paying for a subscription gives you the freedom to watch 40 episodes of a show back to back, if that is what you desire. Hulu on the other hand does play commercials on their site, but that may not always be true. So, what does this mean for marketing? If at some point in the future most online streaming sites are ad-free, and the majority of people have ditched their cable providers to stream online, it would have a huge impact on common marketing techniques. The ways in which companies advertise their products and services would change completely because television commercials would be far less effective and reach a significantly smaller amount of viewers. Unless online streaming sites end up needing to play commercials in order to stay in business, the modern television commercial would basically disappear other than their presence on Youtube. But, most advertisements that play before videos on Youtube can be skipped within a few seconds.

The transition from cable to online streaming won't happen in a matter of days, it will be slow and gradual. But, as it happens, the way in which businesses conduct their marketing plans will have to adapt. The world of marketing is going to change a lot in the near future, and people hoping to have a career in it need to be ready for that.

- Paul Gielow


- Magid, Larry. "Households Abandoning Cable and Satellite for Streaming." Forbes. Forbes 
Magazine, 19 Mar. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- Ravenscraft, Eric. "Netflix Is About to Raise Prices For Grandfathered Users, As 
Expected." Lifehacker. N.p., 20 Jan. 2016. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

- Seward, Zachary M. "Time Warner Cable Customers, Throw Your Cable Box out the 
Window!" Quartz. N.p., 24 Apr. 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Prompted Blog Post #10: Recognizing Truth

When the idea of marketing comes across the mind of someone who is generally uneducated on the subject, one of the first things that they think of might be the popular television show Mad Men. The show tells the story of an advertising agency in 1960's New York City. Although some of the representations of the field are truthful, especially for the time it is based in, the show is not a very accurate representation of what working at an advertising agency is like today. One example of this is a scene from the show where Don Draper, the main character and creative director at the agency, gives a marketing pitch to a client while obviously drunk.

Clearly, Draper is not the only one who has been drinking in this scene. The clients who he is pitching the idea to are also drinking. Obviously, whether or not it ever was, the consumption of alcohol is not something that occurs on an average day at an advertising agency. This may have been normal in the 1960's, when smoking in an office was also completely normal, but neither of these things are true today. If a worker was caught drinking on the job at an advertising agency, or any other job for that matter, they would probably be fired.

Mad Men represents a time where the field of marketing, specifically advertising, was changing and growing enormously. For this reason, the field is depicted in a very flashy manner compared to its reality, much like stock brokers are in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street. The way the field of marketing is depicted in Mad Men definitely attracts viewers, but it misrepresents the field when it comes to modern professionalism and day-to-day operations.

- Paul Gielow

MrHenrypez. "Life Cereal 3." YouTube. YouTube, 05 Jan. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

"About." AMC. AMC, n.d. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.

Hetterly, Jonathan. "Mad Men Highs and Lows." Shrink Tank. N.p., 18 May 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

How to Ace the Interview

It is important to build your interview skills in order to obtain any job you desire. However, there are a few things you can do to prepare for an interview for a marketing career.

Research the company you are applying to. Get to know the brand and apply it to your own life. Marketing companies need to see that you know their brand and can apply it to your work. Find the target audience and make sure you're up to date on any recent news evolving the company.

Be Creative:
To be a marketer you have to be creative. It is essential that you think outside of the box (Ribot, 2010). Tell the interviewer how you have been creative in the past and how that effected the results.

Know Social Media:
Find the company you're applying for on social media. Look at how they use social media and think of a few ideas to improve their use of the media (Sim, 2012). Sharing your ideas with the company will show you have done your homework. As well, always remember to keep your social media profiles work appropriate.

As always, it is important to dress professional and have a revised resume ready when entering an interview. When applying for a marketing career it is necessary to also use these three tips in order to  have a successful interview.

Ribot, Sydney. "How To Prepare For A Marketing Job Interview." Business Insider
       N.p., 22 July 2010. Web. 1 Mar. 2016. 

Sim, Sam. "3 Tips To Help You Rock Your Next Marketing Job Interview." TalentEgg.
        N.p., 13 Nov. 2012. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.

By: Sydney Smith